Have you ever found yourself struggling in meditation? You sit to meditate expecting bliss or enlightenment but instead all you really experience is frustration?
That’s because the very attempt to get something out of meditation, blocks you from actually meditating.
Meditation is a bit like gardening.
You plant some carrot seeds and then every day you water it, you pull the weeds, you nourish the carrot plant in every way you can.
You don’t expect a carrot instantly. But out of love for gardening you do the work without expecting anything in return.
And then one day to your surprise,there is the carrot, beautiful, orange and delicious.
Same with meditation.
If you commit yourself to meditation without expecting anything in return; If you give yourself to this moment out of the love of giving.
Because some days meditation will be challenging.
Some days meditation will be blissful and some days meditation will be a challenging surrender to the intensity that is here.
But simply by meditating and by nourishing your awareness in every way you can,one day, without even focusing on it, you could be reading a book or walking in the woods and suddenly there is an opening. Suddenly, bliss is radiating freely from your heart.
Enlightenment will happen without you thinking about it. Without you do anything on your part.
It arises on its own, at its own time, yet it arises also because you planted the seed and helped it grow.
And the best way to help your meditation grow into enlightenment is by sitting in the presence of an enlightened teacher, one who has mastered high states of meditation. Such a teacher naturally radiates a bliss(known as shaktipat) that can be felt by others. And so simply by sitting with them, you easily enter deep states of meditation.
But you can experience this same bliss by listening to a very unique Enlightenment CD.
Simply by listening to beautiful meditation music, you effortlessly attain deep states of meditation and bliss. You can listen to free samples of the music and experience it for yourself by checking out the “Enlightened Spirituality CD” link below.